Safely Surrendered Baby Law

It’s safe. It’s legal. And, no one needs to know.

Where are Safe Haven Sites in Riverside County?
Most fire stations in Riverside County are Safe Haven Sites. Check the station page for specific fire station information.

What is the Safely Surrender Baby Law?
Under this law, a person may surrender their baby confidentially without fear of arrest or prosecution for abandonment. For more information, click here.

How does it work?
A distressed parent or person with lawful custody who is unable or unwilling to care for an infant can legally, confidentially and safely surrender their baby within three days of birth. All that is required is that the baby be brought to any designated fire station or emergency room. The employee will give you and the baby matching ID bracelets. This will help you reconnect with the baby if you change your mind. You will be provided with an optional medical questionnaire. This information can help keep the baby safe and healthy. Then you are free to go - there are no other requirements.

What happens to the baby?
The baby is examined and given medical treatment, if needed. The county child welfare agency will find a caring family to take care of the baby. If an adoptive family is not available right away, the baby will be placed with a temporary foster family until an adoptive family is located.

What happens to the parent?
Once the parent or other person with lawful custody has safely turned over the baby, they are free to go, without any questions asked. No shame, no blame, no names!

What happens if the parent shanges their mind?
A parent or other person with lawful custody has 14 days to change their mind. They should bring their copy of the coded bracelet back to the safe surrender site or call 1-877-BABYSAF (1-877-222-9723) and say they want to regain custody.

Can only a parent surrender the baby?
No. If you aren't able for any reason to bring the baby to a safe surrender site yourself, you can permit another person with lawful custody to surrender the baby for you.

Is there another choice?
Yes. Adoption is always a choice. Adoption preserves the rights of all involved. Parents have the right to assist in selecting the adoptive parents and may be allowed to have contact with the baby after the adoption, if desired.

Why is California doing this?
You may have heard stories about babies being abandoned in unsafe locations. The parents abandoning their baby were often panicked, had no support for their pregnancy or feared what would happen if someone found out they were pregnant. But, abandonment is illegal and puts a baby in extreme danger. The Safely Surrendered Baby Law helps caregivers in need by giving them a safe, legal way to place their baby for adoption quickly and in private.

FOR MORE INFORMATION DIAL 1-877-BABYSAF (1-877-222-9723) or