Fire Investigation/Fire Prevention Bureau
Arson Hotline: 800-633-2836
The Fire Prevention Bureau is comprised of the following elements:
- Law Enforcement
- Investigations
- Records / Custodian of Records
All Fire Investigators are Sworn Peace Officers under 830.2(G) of the California Penal Code and are POST certified. They are trained and certified in accordance with the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST). CAL FIRE utilizes trained peace officers to enforce state forest and fire laws, and investigate fires. The enforcement responsibilities within the prevention program include fire investigations, criminal and civil case management citations. Fire Investigators have the authority to enforce all State, County, and Local laws and ordinances.
The Fire Investigation/Fire Prevention Bureau is staffed with one Battalion Chief and ten Fire Captain Specialists. A minimum of three Fire Investigators are on-duty each day and cover all of Riverside County.
Fire prevention is important all year! The Riverside County Fire Department wants to remind everyone about Fire Safety and the importance of all families installing and maintaining smoke alarms in the home. Review Safety and Preparedness information provided on this site.
For information on Fire and Incident Records or Fire Investigations:
Fire Prevention
Safety and
Safety Tips and Information on Disaster Preparedness
Request an Incident Report
Procedure and Form for requesting an Incident Report
Smoke Detectors
Smoke Detectors at Home
Law Enforcement Functions and Investigations
Hazard Reduction
Vegetation and Hazardous Materials Abatement
Request a Defensible Space Inspection
Important information if you are selling a property located in a high or very high fire hazard severity zone.
Homeland Security
Information sharing environment and suspicious activity reporting categories
Guideline to report suspicious activity appropriately
Joint Regional
Report suspicious activity here
California resources on Homeland Security
Smoke Detectors
Checking your smoke detector
Your smoke detector is a round, white alarm located on the ceiling.
There is a small test button on the alarm which is usually colored. Push and hold the button for several seconds until you hear an alarm sound.
If after 15-20 seconds there is no sound, change the battery and then repeat this test.
Your smoke detector may be powered by any of the following sources:
- Wired to the house wiring
- 9-Volt Battery operation
- 9-Volt Battery Back-up
Remember: Never reinstall your smoke detector without a fresh battery!
Law Enforcement and Investigations

The CAL Fire/Riverside County Fire Department's Law Enforcement and Investigations Bureau is staff with:
- One Battalion Chief
- Six Fire Captain Specialists
- Two Office Technicians
The Battalion Chief and Captains are all sworn California State Peace Officers with specialized training in fire origin and cause investigation. CAL Fire Investigators respond to all types of fire scenes, and conduct criminal and civil investigations.
Cal Fire Investigators also conduct enforcement of Forest and Fire laws including those related to fireworks, fire area closures, and illegal debris burning. The Investigators issue citations for infractions, and arrest suspects for misdemeanor and felony violations of the law. Each investigator is also a member of the Riverside Arson Task Force and California Conference of Arson Investigators.
For information on Fire/Incident Records and Investigations call: (951) 943-4970
Important information if you are selling a property located in a high or very high fire hazard severity zone.

On and after July 1, 2021 when you sell property that is located in a high or very high fire hazard severity zone, you'll need documentation of a compliant Defensible Space Inspection.
Find out more by visiting the CAL FIRE Defensible Space Home Page .
Check to see if your home is located in a high or very high fire hazard severity zone HERE.
Request a Defensible Space Inspection HERE.