Information on Incidents
The Public Affairs and Community Education Bureau Bureau posts updates on our social media pages twenty-four hours a day/seven days a week. Preliminary and updated information on incidents meeting criteria for posting can be found on our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages by searching @CALFIRERRU. In the event of a significant incident, we will also post incident information to the website on our Incident Update Sheet page.
School Services
CAL FIRE/Riverside County Fire Department offers many education programs that teach fire prevention safety and disaster preparedness. Contact the Public Affairs and Community Education Bureau Bureau during regular business hours to learn more about these educational programs.
Public Affairs and Community Education Bureau Team
Providing timely, accurate information about significant newsworthy incidents.

Office Hours
Our office is staffed Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Phone calls received between the hours of 10:00 p.m. & 6:00 a.m. will be returned the next business day. In the event of a major incident, our call center hours may be extended to meet the informational needs of the public and media.
During significant incidents and/or at the request of the Incident Commander, a field PIO may respond to the site of the incident.
Contact Us
Media and Incident Line: (951) 940-6985
Fax: (951) 940-6701
Truman Holland Administrative Headquarters
Riverside County Fire Department
210 West San Jacinto Ave Perris, CA 92570
Information and Resources
View photos of Incidents and Events on our CAL FIRE Riverside County Fire Department Flickr account.
flickr Photo LibraryAdditional Resources
Make sure that your press credentials are in plain sight
If you are not in a well-marked vehicle or carrying a large video camera with your station's logo on it, have some press credentials hanging around your neck or something that tells us who you are. CAL FIRE/Riverside County Fire Department personnel want to cooperate with the press as much as possible. We realize that you have a job to do, and we will help facilitate that as long as you are not in the way of our operation. We know that you want to cover the story, not become a part of the story. -
Locate the Incident Command Post and Public Information Officer
The media is encouraged to contact the Riverside County Fire Department Call Center at (951) 940-6985 to find out the location of the incident command post (ICP). Depending on the emergency, the ICP could be the hood of a pick-up, at a mobile command post, or at an established structure; such as a school. You should be able to locate the Incident Commander (IC) or Public Information Officer (PIO) at or near the ICP. CAL FIRE/Riverside County Fire Department's goal is to post and update newsworthy incidents to our Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter pages by searching @CALFIRERRU. In the event of a significant incident, we will also post incident information to the website ( on our Incident Fact Sheet page. The Public Affairs Bureau is covered 24/7 (on-call after hours, weekends and holidays). -
Gaining close-in access to the scene
Generally, you will be have unlimited access to an emergency scene. The only reason a fire department in California can limit the media's access is to prevent the media from interfering with the firefighters ability to do their job. This may limit access to remote areas with narrow roads. We will make every effort to establish an escorted or pool reporter access to the area. Law enforcement may limit access to a scene to preserve evidence. You are permitted to shoot video of any situation that is in public view. Firefighters are not allowed to grant the media permission to enter private property-that must come from the property owner.
Terms used by Fire Department Professionals
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