Fire Planning Division

The Fire Planning Division within Riverside County Fire Department assesses proposed developments within the county unincorporated areas and when applicable, partner cities. The review of projects consists of ensuring compliance is within departmental standards, applicable codes, and regulations. During assessment, some considering factors are response times, existing fire station locations, equipment availability, and the anticipated increased calls for service due to these proposed developments.

Below are examples of reports and projects that the Fire Planning Division reviews along with other areas for which the division bears responsibility:

  • Environmental Impact Reports
  • General Plans and Amendments
  • Specific Plans and Amendments
  • Residential Developments/Subdivisions
  • Commercial/Industrial Developments
  • Residential/Commercial/Industrial structures that are 4 or more stories in height
  • Special Occupancies
  • Projects located in areas where services/infrastructure are limited
  • KNOX Products
  • ISO Rating (Insurance Services Office)
  • Special Use Permits
  • Development Advisory Committee / Development Review Committee
  • LAFCO Proposed Actions, Review, and Commentary

For proposed (real estate) development review, LAFCO review, station facility planning/development, Fire Master Plan policy and ISO concerns, contact:

Fire Planning at 951-955-4777 or

The Fire Planning Division is a dedicated resource of trained and experienced professionals in the areas of planning, design, construction, maintenance and fire protection services. Representatives are available to assist and answer any questions.

Helpful Public Contacts

ISO Rating/Public Protection Classification (PPC):

Visit the following website The Public Protection Classification (PPC) Program | FAQ | Verisk to obtain the ISO rating /public protection classification for your property. Your Insurance company or agent can obtain this information for you. Call 800-444-4554 Option 2 for details.

Proposed Development Projects and Emergency Services Impact and Mitigation Review:

If you are an applicant, developer, outside agency or concerned citizen and are inquiring concerning what impacts to emergency services a proposed project represents and the likely proposals or measures to be made, please contact  Typically, Fire Planning Division is responsible for the review of Environmental Impact Reports (and other environmental impact studies), Specific Plans and the like for major real estate development and infrastructure projects.